Why you’re not happy despite everything you’re doing
After spending over 25 years in the health and wellness industry, what I quickly learned was that most women have unhealed past trauma/emotions that keep them stuck and stagnant.
Pay attention because this is one of the most important (and foundational things) you’ll ever learn in your life & if you don’t get it right now, it could cost you years of unhappiness, frustration and regret.
Where most people think peace and fulfillment come from getting more done, saying yes to others, and making everyone in their life happy — what they’re missing is the CRUCIAL step that comes before anything else…
Honoring your own emotions, needs and desires.
Without effectively healing, releasing and managing your emotions and honoring your needs, you'll always be pulled in 100 directions at once and never feel satisfied that you've done enough.
To create a life with ease, flow and happiness, you need to master the thoughts and emotions that drive your behavior.
But there’s a problem…
You’d really rather not deal with your emotions, they feel like a nuisance, and it’s just easier to sweep them under the rug.
When you do allow yourself to feel your emotions they feel too big to manage, so you end up screaming at your partner or break down into tears unable to express yourself, and then you go into the shame and blame spiral of self criticism.
You feel obligated to say yes to every request even though you’re already overwhelmed by your responsibilities, so you bust ass all day long to get everything done. But at the end of the day you don’t feel satisfied you’ve done enough, and you lay awake at night with worry and stress about how you’re going to get it all done.
You feel guilty when you spend time with friends or do something nice for yourself because you believe there’s something else more important that you should be doing, that’s not getting done.
When you do take a vacation you spend the first few days worrying about being away, still checking emails, following up with things at work, and mindlessly scrolling social media. It takes days before you actually feel relaxed and begin to really enjoy your time away. You spend the last day dreading going back to your ‘real life.’
Time with your family always feels rushed and disconnected. Time is flying by so fast and you worry there’s so few years left before your kids will be gone. Why isn’t there ever time to just be with them and enjoy their company? If you don’t have a close relationship now, what’s it going to be like when they leave?
Healthy habits seem impossible to achieve. You know you should be exercising more, eating healthier, and you want to lose weight. But these habits NEVER stick. You constantly shame yourself for not sticking with your diet/exercise plan. So you’ve just plain given up on trying. Because what’s the point?
You constantly criticize your body, you don’t trust your body or your intuition, and you’re not even in touch with the most basic signals your body sends like hunger, thirst, and tiredness. So you end up with habits like eating when you’re not hungry and staying up late at night scrolling social media or binging shows.
Say Goodbye to Exhaustion, Constant Worry, and Self Criticism
Saying yes to everyone’s requests and needs creates exhaustion, and leaves you feeling tired, unappreciated and resentful.
You’re constantly on-the-go and too busy to be present with your friends and family, so you end up feeling distant, disconnected and unhappy. Not to mention, desperate for some time alone.
You’re too tired and apathetic to create healthy habits that stick so you continue to eat like crap, re-gain/gain weight, be inactive, and feel guilt and shame about not taking better care of yourself.
Here’s What’s Going to Happen
If You Don’t Learn to Master Your Emotions
Creating inner calm will change your entire life
Being in a constant state of stress keeps you on the hamster wheel of go-go-go, exhaustion and resentment…Being Calm allows you to make aligned decisions, stay focused on what’s truly important, and leaves you feeling content at the end of the day.
Being in a constant state of stress creates tension and feeling disconnected with family and friends…. Being Calm allows you to be fully present with your loved ones, deeply connected, and fulfilled in your relationships.
Being in a constant state of stress makes creating healthy habits nearly impossible…Being Calm empowers you to eat healthier and move more so you can finally release the weight, have more energy, sleep better, and wake up refreshed.
Deep Inner Calm Creates Confident & Courageous Women
Women making decisions from a place of groundedness and inner certainty live a life with purpose and meaning.
You are here to feel alive, be excited for life, and to pursue your passions.
You are meant to feel amazing in your body, love the life you’re living, and attract deeply fulfilling and meaningful relationships.
I’m here to help you make that happen!
Consider me your Zen Guide. I help you discover the beautifully calm you that’s already inside waiting to blossom.
So that you can live a life of ease and joy, feeling deeply connected to your desires, your loved ones, and to life itself.
Introducing Becoming Calm
A LIVE, 9-week virtual group program where I help you eliminate stress and discover your wise inner guru so that you can feel amazing in your body, create deep connections with family/friends, and focus on pursuing activities that bring meaning and purpose to your soul.
Pillar 1: Nervous System Regulation
Learn how to get out of your own head and use practical tools to turn off the fight-or-flight stress response in your body, develop habits that support your health and bring your body into state of balance. With a balanced nervous system you can finally feel internally calm and focused.
Pillar 2: Emotion Regulation
Learn how to tune into your body’s sensations, tap into the wisdom of your emotions, and develop your intuition so you can have clarity and certainty around what’s right/not right for you. Develop invaluable skills that allow your emotions to flow through you rather than letting them control you. You get to have your emotions rather than them having you!
Pillar 3: Self Worth
Enhance your sense of worthiness knowing that you deserve happiness. Develop practices that support your happiness and confidence. Learn the art of saying “No” and ditch feeling overburdened by responsibilities that drain you. Finally say “Yes” to you without the guilt so your life is filled with activities that bring you joy and rejuvenation.